Current temperature: 37.79
50-50 Year Forecast
Low with % probability: |
Target: |
3244183.88 |
High with % probability: |
Analyst Recommendations:
Number of estimates |
Target Price Mean |
Mean unverified/preliminary |
/ |
Target Price Low / High |
/ |
Median / STD DEV |
/ |
Tech Forecasts:
More signals
< 1M |
1-3M |
> 3M |
total |
Sell |
Sell |
Sell |
rsi |
Sell |
Sell |
Sell |
macd |
None |
Sell |
None |
stoch |
None |
Sell |
None |
ma20 |
Sell |
Sell |
None |
ma50 |
Sell |
None |
None |
ma100 |
Sell |
Sell |
Sell |
Candlestick Pattern | Dec. 3, 2024 Long Legged - consists of a Doji with very long upper and lower shadows. Indicates strong forces balanced in opposition. |
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